Sunday, January 18, 2015


December 31, 2014
Near Cole’s Woods

As I was driving home from work on the afternoon of New Year’s Eve,
a list of possible resolutions was going through my head.
You know, all the usual ones - 
lose weight, 
exercise more,
try new things, 
manage stress better, 
etc. etc.
It's usually a pretty big list !
Where should I even start ?
Then I saw a sign - 
one that seemed to roll them all up into one.
The one that could best change my life:

 Nothing is so much to be feared as fear. 
    HDT Journal, September 7, 1851

Aeschylus had a clear eye
   for the commonest things.

    HDT Journal, January 29, 1840

The meaning I picked,
the one that changed my life:
Overcome fear, behold wonder.

   Aeschylus (525-456 BC), Greek tragic dramatist

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