More mid-summer thoughts ... there is so much going on in the natural world right now, so many different flowers blooming, so much leafy abundance, that it's almost overwhelming. But then again, it's meant to be !
We now have roses on the land and lilies on the water, -- both land and water have done their best, -- now just after the longest day. Nature says, “You behold the utmost I can do.” HDT Journal, June 26, 1852
Most of the photos on this page were taken with with a Canon s95 compact camera, which I am still learning how to use. I also carry my trusty old Panasonic Lumix FZ35, a wonderful lightweight superzoom camera.
Click on any photo in the left-hand column to view it larger.
All photos and text are copyrighted by Sue Pierce and can only be used with her permission.
My journal should be a record of my love. I would write in it
only of the things I love, my affection for any aspect of the world,
what I love to think of.
.... HDT's Journal 1851